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You're viewing Safecracker Cheat Codes

Game Name : Safecracker
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2008-06-24 08:18:18
Views : 16050

Resetting puzzles
If you need to reset a puzzle, back away from it, then zoom in on it again. Note: Do not leave while cracking a three-key safe until all three keys are in your inventory as this may cause one to be lost.

Room 46
In Room 46, the music chamber, there are various musical instruments in this room which are played when selected. Zoom in on the tape recorder on the north side of the room and select the "FORW" button to play the fourteen notes of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". Remember the number of notes.

Room 5: Abraham's Switch Safe diagram
In Room 5 , the constructor's office, zoom in on the drafting table to the right of the safe to find the diagram for Abraham's Switch Safe.

Last safe combination
Go to the violet room. Unlock the doors with all the triple keys. Enter the doors to discover a secret room with the last safe. The combination is "3528".

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